Envisioning the QQL Collective

Hi everyone, and welcome to the discourse for the QQL Collective!

Our first order of business is to envision and co-create the QQL Collective, itself. I’m writing this post to summarize the themes and intentions that we’ve come up with so far around the collective. Jumping right in:


The purpose of the QQL Collective is twofold:

  • To be an intentionally inclusive community, where people can experience and share joy in generative art, via exploring the QQL art and algorithm
  • (Aspirationally): To be a sustainable long-term steward for the QQL Project


  • The QQL Collective isn’t work, and shouldn’t feel like it. We want our contributions to the collective to orient around joy, generativity, and creativity, not obligation.
  • The QQL Collective is oriented on the art, not on the NFT market. We will celebrate when folks decide to mint QQLs, especially if we think they’re great! We won’t worry about the mint pass floor price, or whether people are “minting fast enough”.
  • We want our practices around the collective to be sustainable. QQL is going to exist for a long time, and we’d like the Collective to keep it company in a spacious, indefinite future. Engaging with the collective in a way that is personally sustainable, is more important than how much we get done in any particular time period.
  • We want the collective to be intentionally inclusive. Inclusion is a goal, and we want to hold a space where many different people, with many different perspectives or views, can experience art and connectedness together. However, we need to be intentional in how we include people, as our own sustainable joy comes first. We are willing to make tradeoffs in inclusion and accessibility, so as to maintain our intentional vibe.


This section I want to leave mostly empty, as I think others are best positioned to fill it in. But, synthesizing from our discussion so far, I think a few themes will be:

  • Organizing QQL-centric events, like QQL Thursday or the QQL Anniversary
  • Building bridges between the QQL Collective and adjacent communities, like Station3
  • Holding consistent space for people to share their enthusiasm, curiosity, or seeds around QQL, as is happening in Tyler’s Discord
  • Creating and sharing educational content, both about QQL and generative art in general

So, that’s what I have so far! I very much think of this as a starting point for discussion, rather than a resolution. My hope is that the QQL Collective will be a vehicle for our collective love for QQL, in a way that opens it up for more people and shares agency with those who are passionate about it. We’re starting with the small, dedicated group of the QQL Council, and will hopefully soon intentionally include many more voices. I invite you all to share how this all lands for you. What resonates? Where’s the dissonance? Are there things you’d like to add?

Excited to see where this goes!
Indigo 🩵


Thank you for this outline! As also indicated on Thursday during the call, as far as I am concerned, the purpose and intentions are beautifully articulated and completely in line with what was discussed! I am going to play around here and I hope we will soon have an even larger group willing and able to work on this. Step by step. Joy, generativity, and creativity, not obligation!

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I think this QQL discourse can be/become a nice marketplace/townhall (or actually necessary…) if the QQL collective is expanded. Or it should really be a separate discord (separate from…) Here you can organize information much better, keep an overview, submit proposals/ideas and therefore also work better on projects

Suggestions for now:

  • Define a number of relevant categories, such as the vision, education & information, members, ideas, projects. Further work can be done from that basis.
  • Expanding QQL collective. I think it is good to expand the collective (from the vision/principles). More energy and more ideas?